Loreto College
A creative hub with a neighbourly front.
How does the ‘Mulwith’ addition enhance the College’s offering and public presence?
The Mulwith building at Loreto College is a centre for art, creativity and reflection and helps facilitate general support and learning for the student and college community. The building is designed to respond to the needs of the school while respecting the residential community that it is sited within. An important element in the project is a steel screen that has multiple uses, providing sun shading to the western elevation, safety for students and an engaging civic presence. The screen is an abstracted form that is symbolically derived and connects the building to the school through allegory.
How does ‘Mulwith’ embrace environmentally sustainable practices?
Mulwith adopts a world-class approach to Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) without compromising the indoor climate nor overall project budget. Operable glazing and louvres are key to the approach to encourage natural light levels and good natural ventilation across interior environments. Devices such as in-slab water cooling and night purge automatic louvres also work to passively ameliorate extremes in temperature. Water conservation measures are in place throughout the building and surrounding landscape. Additionally, building services have been designed and managed to reduce point source pollution. Where possible, building materials with a high recycled content have been prioritised.
2010 AIA Public Architecture State Commendation
2010 AIA Regional Commendation
2009 ASI Steel Awards QLD Special Mention