
Instagram Jul 29, 2021 @ 00:18

CELEBRATING 30 YEARS ^ 2001. Chris Chetham joined the team in 2001, becoming a partner in 2007. Across 20 years of practice, Chris has supported and championed the people around him while delivering exceptional projects including St Eugene’s College, Edward Street Vitrines and McLachlan & Ann. Chris ensures we all strike the right balance between design, team dynamics, business reality and the aspirations of our clients.⁠⁠
“Reflecting on 20 years in the practice, my memories are highlighted not only by the successful projects, but the people we have worked with, the careers we have developed and the lives we have affected in a positive way, with our business and our buildings.”⁠⁠ Chris Chetham.
Swipe to see a throwback shot of Chris!⁠⁠
Image 1. Cieran Murphy. Image 2. Source unknown.⁠⁠
#goldcoastarchitects #brisbanearchitects #australianarchitects #bureauprobertsturns30⁠⁠